Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Sponsorship - cost varies 

Prior to each ASA event, Sustaining Partners, Supporting Organizations, and others will be invited to sponsor the event. The amount of sponsorship and the number of sponsors invited will be based on the cost needs of the event. In exchange for ASA event sponsorship, sponsors will receive prominent sponsorship recognition with their linked logo on all electronic event promotional materials. They will also be recognized verbally and their logos shown on printed materials and visuals at the event. If there is a future ASA event that you would like your company to be associated with in this way, please let us know.

Website Sponsorship - $1,500/year

ASA website sponsorship is intended to help offset ASA's membership services and website domain and hosting costs. ASA website sponsors receive sponsorship recognition with their linked logo at the bottom right corner of every page of the ASA website, including member's only pages. Due to the prominent location of recognition, only three annual website sponsorships are accepted at any given time. 

The three website sponsors receive rotating recognition (sponsor logos change with every page change and update). Website sponsors may purchase more than one of the three spots on a first-come-first-serve basis. ASA membership is not required for sponsorship. However, Sustaining Partners and Supporting Organizations will be offered the opportunity for website sponsorship first.